View: Digital Archive

Photograph of Warping Room

Warping Machine With Thread and Racks

Drawing Frames and Slubber Frames

Bins of Cotton Spools

Testing Room Equipment at the Mills

Testing Room and Equipment

Testing Room Equipment

Testing Department at the Mills

Rocky Mount Mills Supervisors

Color Image, Carding Machines

Modern Carding Machines

Interior of Steam Plant

Staff Meeting, Rocky Mount Mills

Twisting Machines

Safety Award Meal 1989

Safety Award 1989

Safety Award 1986

Safety Award 1985

Safe Work Hours Award

Oldest Worker Award

Return of Normal Water Level After Hurricane Floyd

Merit Award 1983

Impact of Hurricane Floyd, Rocky Mount Mills

Impact of Hurricane Floyd at the Mill

High Water at the Mill, Hurricane Floyd

High Water, Hurricane Floyd

40 Year Award 1989

35 Year Award 1993

35 Year Award 1991

35 Year Award 1990